Week 5

13th March -17th March

I got sick while I was away- just my luck. The first half of this week was spent huddled up in my bed and praying the ceiling would stop spinning. Safe to say, I didn't go in this week. I was sad I
couldn't, as Laura is heading off on maternity leave and I wanted to wish her farewell in person.

This also put a further delay on my storyboard work, which I finalised towards the end of the week on Thursday and Friday. I kept up communication with the team throughout this, and in the next
week I'll be presenting it to the team to look over. This is only a rough storyboard at present, as we do not have any of the footage from the NfPs yet (don't you just love organising with 4 different companies over email, they're so responsive.. Genevieve's been having a rough time getting details back from them for other event matters too), so I don't know what exactly I'll have to work with yet. However, I've done some research into each of the NfP's websites and brand content to give myself an idea of what to generally expect each of them to provide.

Despite the team telling me to take it easy, I did have some email correspondence with St
Vincent's and NICA this week just to provide them with answers about the video content (such as
what quality it needs to be, vertical or horizontal, etc). This has given me a new appreciation for
the amount of effort it takes to collaborate across multiple teams and to maintain good


Week 6


Week 4