Week 6
20th March-24th March
On the Monday, I presented my storyboard to Mark, Leanne and Genevieve for review and feedback. This session was really helpful for me in locating what information I need to consider more in my storyboard, and what was successfully communicated to my team. Overall they seemed quite happy with the outline of the storyboard concept, with some tweaks needed for the beginning and ending titles and scenes. It's still hard to envision the whole thing at this stage due to the fact I can't elaborate on the content that is still to be provided by the NfPs. Fortunately, we're meeting with them all starting next week to work out the story each of them wants to tell with the video and what content they'll be supplying.
I spent the first part of the week taking on the feedback and noting the sections of my storyboard that would need adjusting, however there was a major change that ended up being discussed towards the end of the week. Due to changes with the venue, one portion of the planned event schedule for the Annual Dinner can no longer take place; therefore, more time is available to adjust other sections of the event. With some discussion taking place with the team and other members of the CfM, it was decided that the video structure would be changed.
Initially, the concept was to have a 3-4 minute video reel highlighting the work and achievements of each of the 4 NfPs. Instead of this, now, the video will essentially be split up into 4 separate smaller videos, each being around 45 seconds to a minute long. This is a big change that I wasn't expecting, and it essentially requires me to go back and make new storyboards and plans for these separate videos. I can't say this won't be a struggle, but I do think that the change will turn out to be for the better. This way, I can cover each of the NfPs well without the video seeming rushed or cluttered, and I can give each of them a different theme, tone and style (maintaining the theme of the night, "You're the Inspiration", across all though).
I've scrapped my original storyboard and am now beginning planning for each of the new videos. Two of the four NfPs have sent through some raw footage already which will help to refine their storyboards as I make them. I will also have to plan out music for each of these videos- I'm going to use next week to look into different potential music sources for this. It'll be a bit more difficult than usual due to copyright reasons.