Week 4

6th March- 10th March

This week I had arranged to go away with my family for a holiday, so I was not in-office at all for these days. I had made CfM aware of this during my first week and they were fine with working around it. I've started work on my storyboard, but this week my only task focus was editing the footage from the first Annual Summit meeting, which was still somewhat of a challenge- it was a 40 minute speech that needed to be cut down to a 10 minute video. Normally this wouldn't be too much of an issue- unfortunately for me, the speaker for this particular meet was really well-spoken and engaging. Cutting out footage from his speech felt like tearing out the pages of a book and
hoping it'd still make sense at the end.

Regardless, I managed to face this challenge head-on, and I tried to put myself in the mindset of a VCE English teacher who hates creativity and needs their students to just get their essential
points across. I edited the footage down to a video that covered the main ideals and themes of the speech, keeping Dan's advice of editing to suit a particular audience in mind. I knew this would be viewed by a bunch of CEOs and rich businessmen and women, none of whom would
have the time on hand to be appreciating anything more than the main messages and useful information within the speech. Therefore I edited to highlight these things while minimising the amount of analogies and inspirational pauses.

Regardless of how alien it felt to me, this was an excellent exercise in video editing within a different mindset and without as much personal bias.


Week 5


Week 3