Week 9

10th April -14th April

NOTE: I will not be uploading the full videos I am working on until after the event has occurred.

After the long weekend, I commenced work on the video for SVHA, which was to be reviewed on
Friday. Genevieve and I spent some time planning out meetings from now until before the dinner to cover the production of each video. Each of the four will have a 'rough cut' meeting, where I display the basic editing and effects before I go back in to refine and make the video smooth and polished. That rough cut is the stage I reached this week with St Vincent's.

Editing this video had it's successes and challenges. Things I thought would be easier ended up being the hardest, and vice-versa. By far the biggest challenge for me was displaying the still images provided by SVHA in an engaging way- taking the idea from my storyboard to reality made me realise some adjustments would be needed in timing, animations and aesthetics. This was further backed by the feedback I received on Friday during the meeting with Leanne and Genevieve, though overall they were very happy with how the video was looking so far and are excited to see the final product.


Week 8