Week 2
20th Feb-24th Feb
This week I was working remotely, as in order to start really progressing we were waiting to hear back on which not-for-profit organisations (NfPs) were going to be included in the video pending
their agreement to the deal with CfM. I stayed in regular contact with Laura via email and Teams to hear back on progress for this, with me continuing to do some research into the different hype
reel video styles. I was also given access to the Annual Dinner video from the previous year, which gave me an idea of what type of footage was typically provided by the NfPs for use in the video
In addition to this, I began to be included in all of the email conversations between the NfPs and CfM. This really helped my communication with the team on progress for the event and knowing
who would be participating, with all four NfPs confirmed for the video by Thursday. This came to include St Vincent's Health Australia, the National Institute of Circus Arts, the Royal Flying Doctors Service, and the Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation. This was a fascinating mix of organisations, and I am looking forward to the challenge of working out how to link them thematically so that the
video may run smoothly.
On Friday, Mark also cc'ed me in an email with the event holders, the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. In this email he had requested the specs for the screen my video would be displayed on- something I had requested end of last week. This is especially useful to me on a technical level to understand what formatting would be required for the video I am making, particularly from the standpoint of quality assurance and compatibility.
Genevieve also called me to ask if I would be interested in attending their Annual Summit next week and shadowing the videographer who would be filming the event for the day- this was an extremely exciting offer! I immediately said yes, my experience with filming with professional cameras is lacking so this opportunity is invaluable to me.