Week 1
14th Feb- 17th Feb
My first week working with the Committee for Melbourne (CfM) went very well! This week was primarily focused around familiarising myself with both the organisation and the more intricate
details of what tasks I would be completing while I was there.
On my first day, Tuesday, I went into the office on Collins Street to meet the team I would be working with. I was greeted by Laura at the entrance, and headed straight into the first meeting of the day with Mark, Genevieve, and Leanne also attending. They were all lovely, and helped to begin my internship as we discussed the details of the event I would be working on the video project for; the Committee's Annual Dinner.
This video will essentially be a themed showcase reel
for four not-for-profit organisations that had a sponsorship deal with the CfM. Each organisation would have their stories or brand displayed under the umbrella theme for the night, "You're the
Immediately leaping into the team planning of this event and taking initiative in providing my own rough ideas for how the video may look was intimidating, especially when I'm not familiar with the people I'm working with. Despite this, I felt actively encouraged by the colleagues I met, with Mark even pointing out he was familiar with a video project I had worked on in the past year for Fed Square as part of my coursework.
I spent the rest of my day doing some initial trials and sketches of effects and colour palettes I might want to use for the video, based upon the graphics being worked on by another intern for print and social media advertisements of the event. I continued my work at home on Wednesday, where I began to do some initial research on corporate highlight reel videos so I had an understanding of what video styles I would be aiming for.